Grow Your Business with Facebook Ads

Facebook is arguably the most affordable and powerful advertising system out there today. However, it is also the most mis-understood and most complex. Trafficality is here to help.

At Trafficality we set up a funnel system that leads people to not just click an ad to your website and then go away. We lead them to actually engage with you either by requesting an appointment time or asking you for a call back. It is all very intentional! Our goal is conversions!

How Do We Do It?

In most cases, our goal is conversions, not impressions. In order to do this, we must go beyond simply placing an ad on Facebook. Here are the steps we take to connect with actual customers.

Test Multiple Ads

We work with you to come up with a great offer. Then, we create and test various ads (known as “DARK POSTS”.) We don’t “set it and forget it.”

Multiple Landing Pages

You provide the offer and we create and test multiple landing pages focused solely on the goal you wish to complete for maximum conversion.

Follow Up System

Our follow up appointment system automatically emails to remind your patients about their upcoming appointment. The fortune is in the follow-up!

These aren’t “boosted posts.” We use Facebook’s sophisticated Ad Manager and Power Editor to create and test multiple ad campaigns using “Dark” or unpublished posts. Then, we target your ideal audience over and over with incredible accuracy. The real power (and complexity) of Facebook’s ad system is in Ad Manager and Power Editor.

“The single number one… best tactic… to sell stuff and convert… and do business on the internet… right this second… is FACEBOOK DARK POSTS.”

Gary Vaynerchuk – Marketing Expert
Author of Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook

Ready to See What Facebook Advertising Can Do For Your Business?

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